Letter for Completion of Requirements (COR)
A COR is requested by an employer or a graduate school when the degree has not yet posted on the transcripts. Hence, your transcripts will not show the degree earned approximately a day after the last day of final grading to census day of the following semester (see academic calendar).
The UTD Registrar does not issue COR. The ECE Graduate Program Office can for EE/CE/TE graduate students. See attached sample letter and instructions below:
- Complete a COR request form
- Procure an email confirmation from the company that an ECE Graduate Program Office-issued COR is sufficient. Company email confirmation is mandatory to have your request processed. Provide the following documents: (a) If MS, a copy of your Master’s thesis examination report (b) If PhD, provide the date of dissertation final oral examination on the email to ecegradprogram@utdallas.edu (c) A copy of email from the Graduate Reader about your approved PhD dissertation or MS thesis final copy; (email received after submitting your dissertation or thesis final copy)
- Email the COR form and email confirmation from the company and required documentation/info to ecegradprogram@utdallas.edu
- Processing time: 3-5 business days