Basu, Kanad

Assistant Professor
Phone: 9728834341
Office: ECSN 4.922

Research Website


PhD and MS from University of Florida.
BE from Jadavpur University, India.


Kanad Basu received his Ph.D. from the department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida. His thesis was focused on improving signal observability for post-silicon validation. Post-Ph.D., Kanad worked in semiconductor companies IBM and Synopsys. At IBM, he worked on the design of IBM Power and Z Processors. At Synopsys, Kanad helped develop DFTMAX Ultra, the state-of-the-art low pin hardware test solution. Before joining UTD, Kanad was an Assistant Research Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of NYU. He has authored 2 US patents, 2 book chapters and several peer reviewed journal and conference articles. Kanad was awarded the “Best Paper Award” at the International Conference on VLSI Design 2011. Kanad’s current research interests are Hardware and Systems security, and AI Hardware.


Hardware security, embedded systems, machine learning and VLSI testing and validation