Electrical & Computer Engineering > Graduate > Doctoral Qualifying Exams

Doctoral Qualifying Exams

The ECE Doctoral Qualifying Exam (QE) is an assessment of a graduate student’s background knowledge and capabilities to do PhD-level research in the fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Telecommunications Engineering. The QE consists of two parts: background knowledge (Part 1) and research capability (Part 2).

For Part 1, PhD students need to take two (2) PhD Advisor specified graduate courses offered by the Erik Jonsson School and earn a grade of B+ or better for each course.

For Part 2, PhD students must give a public presentation with Q&A session. Students who join the PhD program with a bachelor’s degree are required to successfully complete the QE within 4 long semesters (Fall/Spring). Those admitted with a master’s degree must pass the QE within three (3) long semesters. Students who want to take the QE can review or download the following QE forms; and consult the submission timeline for deadlines.