Electrical & Computer Engineering > Graduate > Graduation Eligibility

Graduation Eligibility

Before you can apply for graduation, an advisor has to make you eligible to apply for graduation. To be eligible to apply for graduation, here are the steps to follow and critical requirements:

To be eligible to apply for graduation, you must be registered in the semester of intended graduation; (International Students must coordinate with ISSO regarding reduced enrollment)

Check the Academic Calendar and Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) for both graduation application deadlines and other submission guidelines

Complete a Request for Graduation Audit online form. Submissions sent to the incorrect link will not be forwarded to the advisor

After completing the Request for Graduation Audit online form, graduating MS Students must submit an approved final degree plan

  • All MS EE/CE/TE degree plans are available online.
  • Provide accurate info (the courses and grades on the degree plan should match the classes registered for)
  • Click the “Final Degree Plan” button on the form.
  • For MSEE non-thesis final degree plan review and approval, make a next-day appointment with Drs. Matthew Heins or Randy Lehmann.  For MSCE & MSTE non-thesis final degree plan review and approval, book a next-day appointment with Drs. Diana Cogan (MSCE) or Marco Tacca (MSTE). Bring an unofficial transcript along with the final degree plan.
  • For MSEE, MSCE and MSTE thesis final degree plan review and approval, contact your respective MS Thesis Advisors
  • If opting for digital signatures, please use a UTD computer and make sure that the UTD email address is visible on the signature panes.
  • After getting your final degree plan approved, make a duplicate and submit the original to the EE Graduate Program Office (ECSN 4.524) or email it to ecegradprogram@utdallas.edu.

MS Students: Your graduation audit will be processed after receipt of both approved final degree plan and request for graduation audit online form.

PhD Students: Your graduation audit will be processed after receiving the request for graduation audit online form.

After completing the graduation audit, if there are no issues, we will make you eligible to apply for graduation

After making you eligible to apply for graduation, you will receive an email notification from Orion that the apply for graduation button has been activated

Apply for Graduation 

After applying for graduation, wait for an email from an advisor regarding issues to resolve
(e.g. degree plan revision or other documentation completion)

After applying for graduation, if there are no issues with the degree plan or other documentation, credit hours, core course & overall GPAs, the advisor will approve the graduation application

Withdraw Graduation Application 

In Absentia (For PhD/MS Students writing Dissertation/Thesis only)