Electrical & Computer Engineering > Graduate > Skills Verification Letter Request Instruction

Skills Verification Letter Request Instructions

  • A letter will be produced verifying skills that were taught, based on information contained in uTD’s course catalogs. Your skill letter will be in the format of this sample letter .
  • Fill out the Skills Verification Letter form . Match each skill to a class, and list them as in the sample letter.  Check the Coursebook for each skill you’d like verified. Each skill must be found in either the course description or the syllabus.
  • Email the completed Skills Verification Letter form to EEEmploymentTeam@utdallas.edu along with the following documents:
  • Proof that such a letter is needed – this could be an email from your attorney that you’ve already received
  • Your official transcripts
  • After receipt of all required documents, processing time: 5-10 business days