Associate Professor
Phone: 9728834345
Office: ECSN 3.516
Mailstop: EC33

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Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2005. MS in Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1994. BS in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 1991.


Mohammed Zamshed Ali has started teaching at UTD in 2002. Besides teaching, he also has 25+ years of US industry experience. He worked in various technical and management positions at FlexSolv Networks, HP, Countrywide, Verizon, Alcatel, Nortel, and MCI.

Mohammed is an active industry researcher. He has three US patents, one European patent and many publications in referred journals and conference proceedings. Mohammed received his Ph D in Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Texas at Dallas.

Mohammed received inventor awards from Alcatel USA. He is currently a member of IEEE and Communications Society.


Optical and wireless communications, IoT sensors, healthcare communications, energy, smart grid and power electronics.