Chadwin, Young

Associate Professor
Phone: 9728835770
Office: NSERL 4.404 eCOMETS Lab,
Mailstop: RL10

Research Website


BSEE – U. Texas at Austin, MS & PhD – North Carolina State Univ.


Chadwin D. Young received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Univ. of Texas at Austin in 1996 and his M.S. and Ph.D. in EE from the North Carolina State University in 1998 and 2004, respectively. In 2001, he joined SEMATECH where he completed his dissertation research on high-k gate stacks and continued this research at SEMATECH working up to Senior Member of the Technical Staff on electrical characterization and reliability methodologies for the evaluation of high-k gate stacks on current and future device architectures. He joined the Materials Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments in September 2012 where his research focus is on electrical characterization and reliability methodologies for the evaluation of future materials and devices. He is NSF CAREER Award recipient, and has authored or co-authored 300+ journal, conference and invited papers. He has served: on the management or technical program committees of IIRW, IRPS, SISC, IEDM, WoDiM; as Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability; and as a peer reviewer for several journals. He is currently a Senior Member of IEEE.

Research Interests

Electrical Characterization Methodologies, Reliability Characterization Methodologies, Solid State Device Physics, Electrical properties of materials, MOS modeling (quantum effects, etc.), Nanotechnology, Flexible Electronics, Future Energy Needs (Renewable, low power operation, etc.)