Plasma Science And Applications LaB
Our research interests are primarily focused on the study of plasmas used in semiconductor processing. In particular, we have developed plasma diagnostics for semiconductor processing discharges and have extensive experience in determining plasma kinetics. We have also submitted patents for a high density plasma source, a plasma potential controller and a fast double Langmuir probe. We have sophisticated Langmuir probes, B-dot probes, microwave interferometers, an energy analyzing mass spectrometer and an ICCD camera with imaging spectrometer. We are always interested in industrially relevant projects and each graduate student routinely does a summer internship at a local company on a project related to plasma processing.
Dr. Lawrence J. Overzet
Phone: 972-883-2154
Office: RL 3.404
800 West Campbell Rd.
Mailstop: RL10
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Lawrence Overzet is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science, at The University of Texas at Dallas.
The primary focus of my research is on the plasmas used in semiconductor device manufacturing. The research is primarily experimental in nature although I have performed some plasma simulations and will be doing it more. In particular, my group is best known for our research into pulsed plasmas and ion-ion plasmas. Pulsed-plasmas have the plasma source turned on-and-off periodically, while ion-ion plasmas have only positive and negative ions in them and no electrons. Both have significant advantages over continuous electron-ion dominated plasmas. I and my students have developed several diagnostics for studying these plasmas and consequently have extensive experience in determining plasma kinetics. These projects have been supported by the NSF, DoE, State of Texas, and several companies. 2009 projects include work for SRC (Deep Si Etch), Photronics (Mask etch) and DoE (Micro-Misted plasmas).