Signal And Image Processing (SIP) Laboratory
This lab has been renamed as The Embedded Machine Learning (EML) Lab. The Embedded Machine Learning (EML) Lab at UTD, formerly called Signal and Image Processing (SIP) Lab, conducts research in machine learning and deep learning solutions and their implementation on embedded processors (ARM, GPU, FPGA, DSP). The current research thrusts of the EML Lab include:
(i) Development of machine learning and deep learning solutions for signal and image processing applications, and
(ii) real-time implementation of machine learning and deep learning algorithms on embedded processors, in particular on the ARM processor of smartphones.
The EML Lab is equipped with high performance computing platforms including a GPU cluster for running computationally-intensive machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
Dr. Nasser Kehtarnavaz
Phone: 972-883-6838
Office: ECSN 4.622
800 West Campbell Rd.
Mailstop: EC33
Richardson, TX 75080-3021
Nasser Kehtarnavaz is a distinguished professor of electrical engineering and the director of EML lab in Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science, at The University of Texas at Dallas
Signal and Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Real-time Implementation on Embedded Processors and Biomedical Image and Signal Analysis