Electrical & Computer Engineering > Research > Facilities > The UT Acoustic (UTAL) Laboratory

The UT Acoustic (UTAL) Laboratory


Dr. Issa Panahi is the founding director of Audio/Acoustic/Speech research and development Lab (UTAL) in the ECE department (since 2004). The UTAL lab is used by his team of research students. The lab has been quite active in conducting several research projects and developing digital systems for noise control, speech enhancement, wire and wireless microphone and loudspeaker arrays aimed at biomedical and commercial applications. Main projects include the development of novel adaptive MIMO signal processing methods using wire and wireless technology and potable digital platforms such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops for hearing aid applications, noise suppression and speech enhancement for MRI/fMRI rooms, noise reduction for HVAC systems, and speech privacy for office spaces. The UTAL research & Development projects have all been supported by funding from NIH, DOD, Dept. of VA, University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center, and companies such as Texas instruments Inc., National Instruments Inc., FirstCo Inc., TxMRC, Speech Privacy Systems Inc.

Dr. Issa Panahi