EE/CE/TE Master’s Degree Requirements

Our electrical engineering, computer engineering and telecommunications engineering master’s programs have both a non-thesis and thesis option.

Non-thesis students need an MS Advisor and a degree plan. Of the required 30 semester hours, certain semester credit hours could be research (EEGR/CE/TE 8v70) or individual instruction (EEGR/CE/TE 8v40). All part-time Master’s students are assigned initially to the non-thesis option.

Thesis students need a Thesis Advisor (Either an ECE faculty member or an ECE Affiliate), degree plan, thesis committeee; a written thesis submitted to the Office of Graduate Education, and a formal public defense of the thesis.  Those wishing to elect the thesis option may do so by obtaining the approval of a faculty thesis supervisor. All full-time, supported students are required to participate in the thesis option.

In addition, both non-thesis and thesis students must receive a grade of B- or better in the core courses; maintain a core course GPA of 3.0 or better, and an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.






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Contact Us

Mailing Address: ECE Graduate Program, The University of Texas at Dallas, 800 W. Campbell Rd. EC33, TX 75080, USA

Associate Department Head for Graduate Program Head:Dr.Kamran Kiasaleh
Graduate Program Information:
Phone: 972-883-2139
Office: ECSN 2.7 Suite
Book an appointment for graduate advising